Tiamat discovered!

Tiamat discovered!

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Written By Fleeky

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Recently Tiamat has been discovered, proof for existence of the planet Nibiru or the ancient Sumerian gods known as the Anunnaki… according to some fictive news…

Tiamat? To be honest, I’m not aware of any recent discovery of Tiamat as proof for the existence of the planet Nibiru or the ancient Sumerian gods known as the Anunnaki. 

It’s important to approach claims of this nature with a critical and skeptical mindset, and to evaluate them based on the available evidence and scientific consensus.

The planet Nibiru, also known as Planet X, has been the subject of various conspiracy theories and doomsday prophecies over the years, but there is no scientific evidence to support its existence. 

Similarly, the Anunnaki are a group of ancient Sumerian deities that have been the subject of various speculative and fringe theories, but their existence has not been proven by any reliable historical or archaeological evidence.

While the study of ancient civilizations and their beliefs can be fascinating and illuminating, it’s important to separate fact from fiction and to approach claims with a critical and rational mindset.

It is said to be the latest news!

I apologize for the confusion. Again, to the best of my knowledge, there have been no recent discoveries of the planet Tiamat or any evidence to support the existence of the planet Nibiru or the ancient Sumerian gods known as the Anunnaki.

It’s important to approach claims of this nature with a critical and skeptical mindset, and to evaluate them based on the available evidence and scientific consensus. While the study of ancient civilizations and their beliefs can be fascinating and illuminating, it’s important to separate fact from fiction and to approach claims with a critical and rational mindset.

Let’s dive into the real world…

Best archeologists today regarding the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia

There are many outstanding archaeologists and scholars who are making important contributions to our understanding of the ancient world, including those who specialize in the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Zahi Hawass is an Egyptian archaeologist and former Minister of Antiquities in Egypt. He has been involved in many major archaeological discoveries in Egypt, including the identification of the mummy of King Tutankhamun and the excavation of the Great Sphinx. (https://drhawass.com)
  • Mark Lehner is an American archaeologist and Egyptologist who has been involved in many major excavations in Egypt, including the Giza Plateau Mapping Project and the excavation of the workers’ village at Giza. He has also published numerous books and articles on ancient Egyptian history and archaeology. (https://archaeology.columbian.gwu.edu/mark-lehner)
  • Joann Fletcher is a British Egyptologist and archaeologist who has worked on many major excavations in Egypt, including the excavation of the tomb of Queen Nefertiti. She has also presented numerous television documentaries on ancient Egyptian history and culture. (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06vsvtx)
  • Irving Finkel is a British archaeologist and Assyriologist who specializes in the study of cuneiform tablets and Mesopotamian history. He is the curator of the British Museum’s collection of cuneiform tablets and has published several books and articles on Mesopotamian history and culture.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_fkpZSnz2I)
  • K. Aslihan Yener is a Turkish archaeologist and metallurgist who has made important contributions to the study of ancient metallurgy in the Near East. She has conducted extensive research on the production and use of copper and bronze in ancient Mesopotamia and Anatolia.(https://www.alalakh.org/aslihan_yener/)

These are just a few examples of the many talented and accomplished archaeologists and scholars who are working to deepen our understanding of the ancient world.

Notable archaeologists from France and Germany in the same fields

Here are a few notable archaeologists from France and Germany who have made significant contributions to the study of the ancient world:

These are just a few examples of the many talented and accomplished archaeologists and scholars from France and Germany who are working to deepen our understanding of the ancient world.

Main insights from the study of ancient civilizations and their cultures

The insights gained from the study of ancient civilizations and their cultures are vast and varied, and often depend on the particular focus of the scholar or researcher. However, there are a few general insights that have emerged from the study of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia that are particularly noteworthy.

  • First, the study of ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures has revealed the important role that religion played in shaping these societies. In both civilizations, religion was deeply intertwined with political and social structures, and many of the major monuments and structures were built to honor or serve the needs of the gods or the afterlife.
  • Second, the study of ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures has shed light on the development of early writing systems and the role that writing played in preserving and transmitting knowledge and culture. In both civilizations, writing was used for administrative, religious, and literary purposes, and many of the surviving texts provide valuable insights into the daily lives, beliefs, and practices of these ancient peoples.
  • Third, the study of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia has helped to deepen our understanding of the development of early agriculture and the origins of complex societies. Both civilizations developed sophisticated irrigation systems and agricultural techniques, which allowed them to support growing populations and build large cities and states.

Overall, the study of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia has provided valuable insights into the development of human civilization and the ways in which early societies developed complex social, political, and religious structures. It has also highlighted the important role that culture and knowledge play in shaping the course of human history.

The story of the “Fish-man” 

The Mesopotamian myth of the “Fish-man” or “Apkallu,” is a story that is found in several Mesopotamian texts, including the Epic of Gilgamesh.

According to the myth, the Fish-man was a creature who emerged from the waters of the Persian Gulf and was endowed with both human and fish-like features. He was said to possess great wisdom and knowledge, and was revered as a teacher and protector of humanity.

In some versions of the myth, the Fish-man is described as one of seven sages or “apkallu” who were sent by the gods to teach humanity various skills and knowledge. In others, he is depicted as a divine being who appears to the hero Gilgamesh in a dream and reveals to him the secrets of the universe.

The Fish-man myth has been the subject of much scholarly debate and interpretation, with some scholars seeing it as a symbolic representation of the ancient Mesopotamian worldview, which emphasized the interconnectedness of the natural world and the importance of divine knowledge and wisdom.

Overall, the Fish-man myth is just one example of the many rich and fascinating stories and myths that have been passed down from ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, and which continue to capture the imagination and inspire the curiosity of scholars and laypeople alike.

The six other sages or “apkallu”

In Mesopotamian mythology, the six other sages or “apkallu” who were said to have been sent by the gods to teach humanity various skills and knowledge are traditionally identified as:

  1. Uanna (also known as Adapa), who was said to have been endowed with great wisdom and knowledge and was able to discern the secrets of the gods.
  2. Uannedugga, who was said to have been the patron of the arts and to have taught humans the secrets of metallurgy and other crafts.
  3. Enmedugga, who was said to have been the patron of the scribes and to have taught humans the art of writing and the secrets of the divine sciences.
  4. Enmegalamma, who was said to have been the patron of the architects and to have taught humans the secrets of engineering and construction.
  5. Endilmah, who was said to have been the patron of the healers and to have taught humans the secrets of medicine and the use of herbs.
  6. Enmebulugga, who was said to have been the patron of the exorcists and to have taught humans the secrets of divination and the ability to ward off evil spirits.

Each of these sages or apkallu were said to have possessed great wisdom and knowledge and to have played an important role in teaching humanity the skills and knowledge necessary for survival and progress. They were also seen as protectors and intermediaries between humans and the gods, and were revered as wise and benevolent beings.

Translations of the names of the seven sages or “apkallu” in Mesopotamian mythology:

  1. Uanna (Adapa): “the one who knows
  2. Uannedugga: “the light of the foundation
  3. Enmedugga: “the one who extends knowledge
  4. Enmegalamma: “the lord of the great house
  5. Endilmah: “the one who knows the lead
  6. Enmebulugga: “the lord who sees everything
  7. Oannes (Babylonian version): “the one who makes appear” or “the one who brings to light

Note that the translations of these names are based on the meanings of their individual elements, which are often complex and multi-layered, and may be interpreted in different ways by different scholars. The names of the sages or apkallu are also sometimes spelled differently or translated differently in different sources, so there may be some variation in the names and translations used by different scholars.

The seven sages or “apkallu” of Mesopotamian mythology

In the land of ancient Mesopotamia, seven wise sages walked the earth, each gifted with knowledge beyond measure. From Uanna, the one who knows, to Enmebulugga, the lord who sees everything, they each possessed a unique insight into the mysteries of the universe.

Uannedugga, the light of the foundation, taught the people of the arts and the secrets of metallurgy, while Enmedugga, the one who extends knowledge, revealed the art of writing and the divine sciences. Enmegalamma, lord of the great house, bestowed upon his people the secrets of engineering and construction, while Endilmah, the one who knows the lead, shared the knowledge of medicine and the use of herbs.

And then there was Enmebulugga, the lord who sees everything, who taught the people of the exorcists and the ways to ward off evil spirits. And lastly, Oannes, the one who makes appear, or the one who brings to light, appeared before the people as a fish-man, sharing his divine wisdom and revealing the secrets of the universe.

Each of these sages played an important role in shaping the early world, and their wisdom and knowledge were passed down through the generations, enriching the lives of those who followed. They remind us of the enduring power of knowledge and the importance of passing it on to future generations.

So let us honor the sages of old, the keepers of the flame, whose wisdom and knowledge still shine brightly through the ages. May we strive to learn from their insights, to build upon their discoveries, and to remember the wonders they have left for us to cherish.

Ode to the wonders of ancient wisdom

In ages long past, in lands far away,
Wise men and women pondered night and day.
They sought to unlock the secrets of life,
To understand the world and end human strife.

They studied the stars and the movements of time,
Built temples and cities that still stand sublime.
They wrote down their knowledge on papyrus and stone,
To preserve their wisdom for us to be shown.

The sages of old, with their cunning and skill,
Crafted great works that inspire us still.
From the Epic of Gilgamesh to the Pyramid of Giza,
Their legacies live on, still shaping our vista.

In the stories they told and the myths they wove,
We glimpse a world where gods and men strove.
We learn of love and war, of peace and strife,
Of the mysteries of death and the joy of life.

So let us honor the ancients, the wise and the bold,
Whose stories and knowledge still beguile and hold.
May we learn from their triumphs, their errors and their deeds,
And remember the wonders that they left for us to read.

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Learning and growth are important parts of life, and I hope that our journey has been helpful in some way.

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Mesopothamian mythology on Amazon

Irvin Finkel on Amazon

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